And I consider myself an ICIIU sympathizer  as well Mr. Pawlo.

Now may we ask you to disclose where your priorities are?

>At 12:29 AM 2/24/00 +0100, you wrote:
> >Dear Friends,
> >I've tried to find out how the ICIIU is funded but I can't find this
> >piece of information on their web site. Come to think of it, I can't find
> >any information on the members of ICIIU (with the exception of Michael
> >Sondow of course).
>I'm an ICIIU member. I know how it's funded and I ain't telling :-)
>In the interest of full disclosure I will say the ICIIU sponsored
>my trip to Berlin with a cash grant.
>There is no truth to the rumor the ICIIU is buying Network Solutions.
>It's about travel on expense accounts to places with good beer. - BKR

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