On Mon, 31 Jan 2000, Ron Bennett wrote:

> Is CORE going out of business??
> Their Whois database has become extremely desychronized
> and disconnected from reality. Also, their website hasn't been
> updated from what I can tell since Dec-01-1999; and still no
> Registrant transfer procedure as of yet that I'm aware of.
> But the most telling sign is the long list of CORE Registrars
> who've become ICANN accredited themselves and no longer
> dependant on CORE. And I don't see companies beating down
> the doors to get into CORE...in fact I see the exact opposite!!

Core has been bankrupt for some time now.  That's old news.  But they like
to pretend and have high hopes.  Unfortunately there's a lot of pressure
lately with the court case, and the unhappy membership complaining about
all the money they spent on a pipe dream.

At this time Cores only percieved salvation is at the hands of ICANN and
the issuance of additional gTLD's.  ICANN is pressured by IBM and buddies
to not release new gTLD's - while the European Commission is treatening
ICANN with the sing song that if they do not get .eu, they'll start their
own root servers.  Like I said before - it begins.  The various splits in
the roots is increasing.

> So the question in my mind is what happens next with CORE??
> 1. CORE does nothing and fades into oblivion (and probably
> goes bankrupt and/or loses its ICANN accreditation).

Getting close!

> 2. CORE revamps their website and takes domain registrations
> directly and in essance cuts the remaining CORE Registrars
> out of the loop. This in my view is their best option.
That's won't happen - Core only exists for it's registrars.

> 3. CORE is absorbed/merged out of existance by another
> Registrar.

Refer to option one above.

> 4. CORE goes IPO...the VA Linux?  :-;

hmm ..  maybe stubby can answer that one.


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