Ah the usual WXW lies.  Shame.  Now your back to alter egos and alternate
personalities.  Oy vey in a big oy vey way.

Joe Baptista

On Mon, 6 Mar 2000, William X. Walsh wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> On 06-Mar-2000 !Dr. Joe Baptista wrote:
> > First of all - I have no idea what homepage you are reffereing to.  If you
> > mean the page published at http://www.earth-net.net/mahir-icann/ , then
> > let me make it very clear to you that I find such allegation slanderous,
> > frivolous, vexatious and libel.  Those are not my pages sir.  Those pages
> > came to my attention recently that president Mubarak was being slandered
> > for his participation in ICANN.
> Just in case anyone actually believes this crap.
> earth-net.net is hosted by vrx.net, and the domain is registered by one of
> Richard Sexton's alter egos "John Hunt."
> The only question is if Richard made the page, or if Joe did it.  Either way,
> the paragraph above is misleading.  They "created" this situation so Joe would
> have something to post about and get attention from.
> Without attention, Joe gets uncomfortable.
> And Richard just does it because he has a...strange sense of humor.
> - --
> William X. Walsh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> http://userfriendly.com/
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