Louis Touton-

You wrote and instituted a UDRP, put rules in ICANN's bylaws, and
wrote and signed Agreements, all to prevent cybersquatting by domain
name registrants. 

Now Network Solutions, Inc., with whom you have signed a contract,
has been shown by the wwwhois.net complaint and the long list of
unused domain names registered to it to be cybersquatting

Yet you do nothing about it, take their defense, and claim that
ICANN has no policy against cybersquatting by its own registrars.

Are you insane?

What are you going to do when some Congressional committee asks you
about this? Are you going to lie, like your predecessor Joe Sims
did, and say you know nothing about it?

Michael Sondow           I.C.I.I.U.     http://www.iciiu.org
Tel. (718)846-7482                        Fax: (603)754-8927

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