my reply to vixie.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Tue, 4 Apr 2000 13:23:41 -0400 (EDT)
From: !Dr. Joe Baptista <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Paul A Vixie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Press Releases 

Wonderful.  This is a first.  Paul Vixie joins the open srs list for the
sole purpose of debating this issue.

Paul, you were offered an opportunity to fix the problem in BIND which at
the time were under your control as the BIND co-ordinator.  You failed to
take advantage of that opportunity and any discomforth is yours alone to

If you want to debate the facts, i'd be pleased to do so in the domain
policy list.  A debate of the issues does not belong here.  Mr. Walsh
originally presented your press release to the group in his continued dns
war campaign and I defended our position.

You sir have lied in your press release and that only reflects on you.  I
have yet to see any argument that questions the results in the survey.  So
please take the FUD out of here and move it to domain policy where it

I would especially like to discuss the events which lead to you and Postel
highjacking the root servers.  That's a bit of history that still has to
be resolved.

Joe Baptista

On Tue, 4 Apr 2000, Paul A Vixie wrote:

> > Greg Shapiro has already corrected your false assertion that Paul
> > maintains Sendmail, so I will not waste time on that.  (Paul did, with
> > Frank Avolio, write a book titled "Sendmail: Theory and Practice.")
> Fred Avolio, not Frank.
> > On Sun, 2 Apr 2000, !Dr. Joe Baptista wrote:
> > 
> > > However - our attempt was cut short by Paul Vixie, who runs the ISC,
> > >  Paul vixie was also the BIND maintainer - in other
> > > words the man responsible for the internets security holes in the dns
> > > system.  Paul incidentally resigned after we exposed to most of the world
> > > that his program was a bit of a mess.
> I (Paul) did nothing of the sort.  I'm still the maintainer of BIND8, and
> still the Chairman of ISC's board of directors.  As it happens, BIND has
> been completely rewritten in the last couple of years and the result (BIND9)
> is only a month or two away from full public release.  I am not a maintainer
> of BIND9, since I'm too old and too slow to do that kind of work any more.
> > > Anyway - paul did everything he could to block us, including placing us on
> > > spam lists, which he controls - the RBL MAPS project.
> Baptista's server was blocked because he was sending out massive amounts
> of unsolicited bulk e-mail and refused to stop even though many recipients
> complained.  See
> > > Incidentally - Paul Vixie also is the sendmail programmer, sendmail is
> > > a program with many security holes which Paul capitalizes on.
> Baptista is lying outright.
> > > We tried to have Paul take on the responsiblity of asking the world to
> > > upgrade the vulnerable BIND versions - but he was not interested.
> Baptista wanted ISC to be a cosignatory to his massive spam campaign against
> all domain holders.  We refused.
> > > >
> This page was written because of the number of complaints about Baptista's
> spamming activities which were incorrectly sent to ISC.  The recipients of
> Baptista's spam believed, based on the content of that spam, that the
> maintainers of BIND (which means, the ISC) were responsible for the spam.

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