On Wed, 5 Apr 2000, Andy Gardner wrote:

> One only needs to review the archives of the [EMAIL PROTECTED] list to read
> some of the sexually explicit things you said about Elisabeth
> Portenouve (sp?), to fully realise just _who_ needs to learn some
> "serious" manners.

There's the pity.  I'll never dream sex thoughts of Elisabeth ever
again.  I fell in love with her voice - sexy and robust, but when I saw
her face - the first impression I got was of Janet Reno in
drag.  Elisabeths face horrified me.

> Like I said before, the only thing you ever manage to do to a mailing
> list is _poison_ it.

I have not done anything.  I'm innocent.  You point out in the opensrs
archives where I've been doing any damage.  Try :-?
> I pity the poor people on that SRS list, if they have to put up with
> bulk posting of crapola from you. What's their messages/day rate gone
> up to since you subscribed? Gone through the roof, I suspect.

No - it's moderate.  It's William who keeps upping the traffic.  Anytime I
have a conversation with someone, he pipes in a tells them not to listen
to me.  It's really funny - like watching a little hitler order people
around.  It did not go down well with the group.  Then Ross started
talking about Zen of all things.  It's a very facisnating place.

My only concern is do I renew through tucows, or do I stay with NSI.  The
mirros are very upset.  But I think Ross understands he took the wrong
path.  I'm not sure if he lost any mirrors - a few threatened to go bye
bye today.  Fasicinating stuff.

Joe Baptista

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