At 11:42 PM 4/9/00 -0400, you wrote:
>Richard Sexton wrote:
>> >Why We Spy on Our Allies
>> >By R. James Woosely
>> >Thats right, my continental friends, we have spied on you because you > >bribe.
>To pretend that all ECHELON does is try to ferret out industrial
>bribery is the height of disinformation, as even a cursory glance at
>the list of keywords it uses (see my post to IFWP on March 15, which
>gives the list of keywords published in Europe) will show.

Here's the response from the list it originated on:

>Typical American economic agitprop drivel.
>No, US companies don't bribe. Yeah, and pigs will fly someday soon. Give
>me half a fucking break here.
>However, I will concede that US companies don't need to bribe in the
>third world. They simply need to whisper in the right ears, whereupon
>the CIA identifies some element of the target nation as a "threat" and
>then arranges for a scandal, perhaps a debilitating virus for a cabinet
>member or two, or in the extreme arranges a small military campaign.
>See also the Dulles brothers, Giacomo Agostino, the United Fruit
>Company, Iran/contra, etc.
>When the world needs the US to lecture it on economic warfare, it will
>ask for the advice. I haven't heard such a request, recently.
>Perhaps someone should mention to the article's author, as well, that
>last time I looked the US is *not* the  universal world referee of
>business standards. That seems to be the underlying thrust of the piece.

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