At 11:54 AM 4/12/00 -0700, you wrote:
>Richard, I have not seen any comments from you in any of the DNSO archives,
>even the public comment areas, at least in the past few months.  I don't
>see how you are going to have any kind of input into the process if you
>don't participate.

I participated in the WIPO process by criticizing all the things that
were bad about it. They didn't change a thing and now I'm listed
as one of the "Contributors" to the report. 

I won't be coopted by the DNSO in the same way. My opinion is that
any bosy who things that morass in WGC has anytyhing to do with the
creation of new top level domain names doesn't undestand life on
this planet.

[EMAIL PROTECTED]                               http://ph-1.613.473.1719  
It's about travel on expense accounts to places with good beer. - BKR

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