I meant industry flak; flak like we all have given NSI.  I understood that
GA didn't uphold it's end of the Agreement went quietly into the good night
rarely to be spoken of again.  At least NSI stayed the course.

>>It has always been surprising to me that General Atomics and ATT, who were
>>part of the initial InterNIC, received no flack for notholding up their
>>portion of the Cooperative Agreement.  Maybe ATT did some work but their
>>Annual Report of, I believe 1996 didn't even mention that role.

Gordon Cook wrote:
>Ellen ...general atomics was terminated ....they were cancelled a
>year early....first time DNCRI office of NSF ever did that to an
>I certainly consider early termination of an award flak
>AT&T's performance was considered acceptable.

Ellen Rony                    //          http://www.domainhandbook.com
Co-author                  *="  ____ /            [EMAIL PROTECTED]
The Domain Name Handbook      \     )                  +1  415.435.5010
                              //   \\             "Carpe canine"

          The more people I meet, the more I like my dog.

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