No disrespect intended, Joe but seems we should have a little more
background on how this data was obtained.  For instance if you are pinging
from your own server then the results are factoring in network conditions
on your end as well.  Then what we'd be looking at could be labelled
"results of one average user somewhere at some given time".

If you are pinging from a major intersection such as Mae East or Mae West
then you will have a truer relative response time for overall purposes.
That will differ as well depending on which.  Time of day would be
interesting to know as well. You may find you  get significantly different
response during regular daytime traffic, during prime time or during the
dead of the night depending on how oversold someone's available bandwidth
might be.

Also it has been recently brought to my attention that some backbone
providers (someone told me Time Warner does this) have something built
into their routers that route ICMP traffic differently...i.e. that you
should see what appears to be slower response times in results like this
than is actual response for a "real" query.  So I was a bit surprised to
see that NS1.BEACHSHORE.NET appeared to be as close to NS1.QUASAR.NET as
it should 'appear' slower as it's primary provider is Time Warner
where in actuality from what I can tell they are pretty close in

Sorry if this reply has bored anyone as I would think that at least many
on this list would already know this.  

     -=Dena Whitebirch=-            ***     
@quasar Internet Solutions, Inc.    ***   "Internet Powered by Experience"    
   Supporting ORSC Root Zone        ***         It's only an address.

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