This is a general announcement - I will soon be replying to Mr. Cohen - an
icann director who has lost his place if not his head.  Mr. Cohens
statement is repeated below to refresh everyone's memory.

Joe Baptista

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Tue, 11 Apr 2000 12:32:30 -0400
From: Jonathan Cohen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: !Dr. Joe Baptista <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: Harald Tveit Alvestrand <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, [EMAIL PROTECTED],
Subject: Re: [ga] [Admin] Removal of posting rights WHAT DO YOU THINK??!!

"!Dr. Joe Baptista" wrote:

> Looks like the horseshit in the GA keeps getting thicker.  I have asked
> Mr. Cohen personally if he is one of the pedophiles involved in the Fort
> Lauderdale scandal which has been supressed here in Canada.
> Mr Cohen has choosen to not respond.
> Regards
> Joe Baptista
> On Tue, 11 Apr 2000, Harald Tveit Alvestrand wrote:
> > The enclosed paragraph is considered irrelevant to the business of the GA,
> > a personal attack, insulting and slanderous.
> >
> > The posting rights of "Jeff Williams" are hereby suspended for 4 week starting
> > today, lasting until May 9, 2000.
> >
> > Decisions of the GA list monitor can be appealed to the GA chair.
> >
> >                         Harald Tveit Alvestrand
> >                             GA list monitor
> >
> >
> > At 01:02 11.04.2000 -0700, Jeff Williams wrote:
> > >Andy and all assembly members,
> > >
> > >  As you know
> > >Jonathan Cohen as a known pedophile has a vested interest in shifting
> > >attention from that fact, to denigrating others in a manner as public
> > >as possible so as to keep his particular life style in the background.
> >
> >
> > --
> > Harald Tveit Alvestrand, EDB Maxware, Norway
> >
> > --
> > This message was passed to you via the [EMAIL PROTECTED] list.
> > Send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] to unsubscribe
> > ("unsubscribe ga" in the body of the message).
> > Archives at
> >

It is with considerable disgust that I finally feel I Must respond to the  criminal
libel which has been repeatedly posted to prove some point I don't undestand.unless
it is to hurt ICANN or to allow someone  to defeat any effort I make to work for
ICANN or to be re-elected.
1)I am not and never have been a ''pedophile''
2)i have never been directly or indirectly involved in ANY activity involving
molestation of any kind, anyone or anything AND I have most certainly NOT been
implicated,charged,investigated,mentioned,reported or otherwise in connection with
ANY criminal activity of ANY kind whatsoever ...EVER, ANYWHERE!
3) I have never been asked to reply to any ''charges or ''allegations'' of criminal
misconduct or directly or indirectly implicated or even mentioned . I certainly
don't have the power to suppress anything and the suggestion is patently ridiculous.

As this most odious person is no doubt   well aware the mere allegation of such
'disgusting' misconduct is potentially harmful and certainly hurtful .I have
children and utterly fabricated and false allegations of this nature are most
unpleasant.and very hurtful to them.
I have no doubt that these cowardly attacks are justified in the mind of ''those

  who play this revolting ''game'' on the basis that  ''anything'' that can hurt or
discredit ICANN is justified.
I am a 'volunteer'. I am not paid in any way for my fact it has had a
considerable cost. I accept that as I believe this work is worthwhile. I understand
that there are some who strongly disagree and are very frustrated and even angry
about this ICANN process.....Then ''fight it'' but not at the expense of my children
and family who are hurt by this scurrilous and completely false attack.
proving your ''internet superiority'' at the expense of truth and by hurting
children is probably not the way to succeed.

I should point out that at least in Canada this false allegation is almost certainly
criminal conduct under the Criminal Code of Canada.TO accuse someone publicly of a
serious crime when they know it to be false is a Crime!If those making these
allegations will present themselves in person at my office to make these charges
publicly and openly I will be most pleased to deal with them under the Laws of this
country. I have no doubt you will not accept ..I will not dignify any further
attacks with a reply!

Jonathan Cohen

Shapiro Cohen
Group of Intellectual Property Practices
Ottawa, Canada

Telephone: (613)232-5300
Facsimile: (613) 563-9231

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