Jeff Williams wrote:
>   DOn't forget Joe that Ken was elected illegitimately as the history
> of the DNSO clearly shows...

The DNSO is an invention of CORE and the CORE leadership. Mssrs.
Stubbs, Crispin, Abril i Abril, Sola, and the the others from CORE
who co-opted the DNSO with the ICANN Board's permission and, through
the DNSO, have taken illegitimate control of DNS policy are
conspirators to commit antitrust fraud under the meaning of the
Sherman Act, and should be indicted on criminal charges for it.

That goes as well for Martin Schwimmer, David Maher, Jonathan Cohen,
and the other IP lawyers who conspired with CORE, all of whom should
be disbarred for collusion in the criminal fraud that has been
perpetrated on the Internet user public.

Michael Sondow           I.C.I.I.U.
Tel. (718)846-7482                        Fax: (603)754-8927

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