Hi Ester, ladies, gentelmen and non specific gender types (You know who
you are ;-)

I am writing you to lodge an official protest concerning Year 1999 DNSO
Secretariat report 1999 milestones located at:


I would like to draw your attention to the subsection 1 of the section
titled "November-December 1999" - which states as follows;

1. In the beginning of November the dnso.org server is targeted by one of
DNSO GA members with denial of service mailbombs as well as spoofing
attacks. The Secretariat spends many days and working hours in consulting
with legal advisers: French lawyers and ICANN staff. 

This is an outrageous lie.  As you all know I am the one responsible for
that incident and the only reason it occured was due to the censorship
practices of the GA and DNSO.  I consider this liable and slander.  Cohen
understand libel and slander.

I also have found nothing in the report with respect to the fraudulent
election conducted by the name council's servants.

I expect an appology in public or else - I'm going to press another

Joe Baptista

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