On Wed, 31 May 2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: > "Dr." Joe, > > First of all, this list is no place for your noise. > It is a discussion of NCTLDs and not a sounding board > for your professional disruptions. This list Paul is also not a place for publishing misinformation, and I claim again that you are misrepresenting namespace as a professional root server authority when in fact it is not. > > I don't know who you are. > I don't know who "John Hunt" is > (or even if he and you are really individuals and not "aka's"). This is an old game played on the dns to discredit people - I suggest we get a grip and move on. > Your message is totally out of left field. > You never contacted any of the "TLD" administrators > of TLDs operated by Name.Space because you don't know > who they are. If you contacted Name.Space, you would > be approaching the right place. Incorrect - the namespace stakeholders are listed in the Hunt survey which you can find at: http://www.earth-net.net/GTLD/GTLD-database.tar.gz > We are totally responsible at Name.Space and have maintained > a nearly 100% uptime for close to four years. We have also > created numerous technical innovations such as Smart Whois > and our automated online secure registry with secure DNS > management--years ahead of the competition, including NSI. That's nice Paul - but it does not change the fact that namespace root servers are misconfigured and have remained misconfigured for some time - even though you were give notice some time ago with respect to the problem. Once, let me state for the record that namspace SOA values for the root are misconfigured and misleading. I suggest you lookup the correct values for your SOA and replace the current ones you are carrying - which do not belong to you. I assume the error only exists because of ignorance on your part and is not an attempt at fraud and fradulent misrepresentation of the root zone carried by name.space. Juts to give you an idea (clue) as to the problem - when I ask the usg roots what their soa is I get the following SOA A.ROOT-SERVERS.NET. hostmaster.internic.NET. when i query the ORSC root for their SOA - I get the following NS1.VRX.NET. HOSTMASTER.NS1.VRX.NET. and the same applies to the TINC root server authority; tinc-org.com. tinc.tinc-org.com Notice how each SOA has the start of authority record and a contact for the administration of that zone. Your SOA however shows up as follows using dig @NS.AUTONO.NET. . soa A.ROOT-SERVERS.NET. hostmaster.internic.NET. If you take the time to look you'll notice your SOA is in fact the ICANN root servers SOA. And that paul tells me that namespace has no idea what it's doing. So paul - this a technical issue I feel best you resolve as soon as possible. It's the professional thing to do. > We don't need the professional detractors like you and your > cohorts to denigrate our achievements, and we don't need to > answer to your bogus "surveys". Our work and efforts speak > for themselves and your attempts to discredit us and our > efforts are also very clear. Consider me a client of your root servers. When I have concerns they are to be address. If you can't do that - you should get out of the business. But your right - you don't have to answer any questions - you can remain unaccountable and people wil treat you accordingly. Now get to work and fix your SOA. Regards Joe baptista > > Very truly yours, > > Paul Garrin > Name.Space, Inc. > > > p.s. > > James, > > I am sorry for this, and understand if you do not > post it to the list. These people have been trying > to undermine our sincere efforts for a long time and > it's getting tired. > > best, > > Paul > > > > --------------------------------------------------------- > Get Free Private Encrypted Email https://mail.lokmail.net > Switch to Name.Space: http://namespace.org/switch > > >