"!Dr. Joe Baptista" wrote:
> On Wed, 5 Jul 2000, James Love wrote:
> > Internet, and management of all TLDs.  However, not all registries
> > should be required to provide first come first serve type services.  For
> > example, in a .union TLD, if such a TLD is managed by labor unions, they
> > should be free to manage it, and restrict its use, as they see fit.
> I want to bring to your attention the obvious that your being a
> hipocrit.  If you believe in the first come first served principle - as I
> do, then I suggest you should practice what you preach.
> As you know your claim to the tld .union is second to that of name.space -
> which has had an opperational .union tld for some years.  This has been
> brought to your attention on a number of occassions.  ICANN does not
> control the root servers process.  So one has to police oneself in the tld
> area and the "first come first served" is the rule used.
> So - if you really beleive that you should drop your claim to .union or
> make some arrangements with name.space.  There are legacy issues -
> existing users in the .union tld space.  So - James - either you respect
> the principle and practice what you preach - or your full of it.

   It is true that I wrote ICANN a few months ago, regarding .union, and
that name.space has been selling domains in a .union TLD for an
alternative root system for some time, along with several hundred other
TLDs that name.space uses.  

   However, with .union, I don't think that the CPT/Essential
Information proposal would be the best one for the Interent.  I think it
would be more appropriate for labor unions to control the .union

   How one feels about this may in part be influenced about how one
feels about labor unions, or how one would imagine a .union TLD being


James Love, Director           | http://www.cptech.org
Consumer Project on Technology | mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
P.O. Box 19367                 | voice: 1.202.387.8030
Washington, DC 20036           | fax:

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