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>From: "Richard J. Sexton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Re: Re[2]: [ga] Press Release Warns Internet Users about ICANN
>Cc: "William X. Walsh" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>Date: Thu,  6 Jul 2000 17:52:12 -0400 (EDT)
>That information is in my signatuire file and has been for a year or mroe.
>If you tired an AXFR ans it didn't work, please let me know. It seems
>to work for everybody else. When did you try it?
>At 02:08 PM 7/6/00 -0700, Rick H Wesson wrote:
>>I requested the zones and the ORSC folks have denied me access to the
>>zones. I don't think the 'O' in ORSC stands for open anymore.
>>You can prove me wrong, post how to get the zone files, an axfr would 
>>do me just fine if it worked.
>>All I want is their "root" and the zones they serve, NSI allows me to have 
>>the gTLD zones and the "ICANN root" is available via anonymous ftp.
>>If ORSC is open then why are they reluctant to give up these files, after
>>all I just want to do some growth stats on them. Doesn't ORSC want their
>>growth verified by an 3rd party?
>>what are you afraid of?
>>On Thu, 6 Jul 2000, William X. Walsh wrote:
>>> Hello Rick,
>>> Getting them is so easy for anyone with any basic knowledge of dns.  I
>>> really am surprised that you have not been able to do it yourself and
>>> instead post a message insinuating that ORSC is hiding them from you.
>>> I may disagree with ORSC's current positions, but this type of
>>> mischaracterization is really out of line, especially on a public
>>> list.
>>> Thursday, July 06, 2000, 7:43:08 AM, you wrote:
>>> > John,
>>> > I would like daily access to the zone files for the TLDs you are laing
>>> > claim to.
>>> > please let me know how to get them. this is the 3rd time I have asked OSRC
>>> > folks how to get thier zones. at least NSI provides a method that anyone
>>> > can get them.
>>> > so, are you open or does the "O" in ORSC stand for obfuscatory.
>>> > -rick
>>> > On Thu, 6 Jul 2000, John Palmer wrote:
>>> >> 
>>> >> CHICAGO, July 5, 2000 /BusinessWire/
>>> >> 
>>> >> AGN Domain Name Service, Inc (ADNS - http://www.adns.net) today announce 
>>> >> that it will be launching a radio ad campaign to educate users about 
>>> >> ICANN and the changes that may be coming to the internet as a result of 
>>> >> ICANN's policies.
>>> >> 
>>> >> ICANN stands for the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and
>Numbers - the 
>>> >> organization that is attempting to make policy on the future of the
>>> >> ICANN is holding a conference in Yokohama, Japan on July 13 - 17 and
>may vote 
>>> >> on new domain policy at that time.
>>> >> 
>>> >> John Palmer,  president and CEO of ADNS warns all internet users to
>watch the 
>>> >> developments carefully. "Changes are coming to the internet and they
>>> >> all good", Palmer said. "Special interests have hijacked the process
>and are 
>>> >> influencing policy in a way that will be bad for internet users and
>>> >> domain holders". Palmer cites the heavy influence of the World
>>> >> Property Organization (WIPO) as an example. "WIPO wants registrars to
>be burdened 
>>> >> with the task of trademark policemen - a task that belongs in the
>courts, not 
>>> >> on the backs of registrars, many of the small businesses with limited
>>> >> 
>>> >> Another seemingly contradictory stand that ICANN is taking is their
>refusal to 
>>> >> recognize the intellectual property rights of Top-Level Domain (TLD)
>>> >> "ICANN seems to be interested in the protection of intellectual
>property, but 
>>> >> refuses to recognize the ownership of  TLDs by those who claimed them
>via the 
>>> >> legitimate service mark process, such as ADNS did with EARTH, USA and
>>> >> Palmer said. He says that the biggest threat to domain name holders
>>> >> is that the ICANN process would attempt to have domain holders sign
>away their 
>>> >> rights to use the courts to resolve disputes regarding domain ownership.
>>> >>  
>>> >> Palmer is not opposed to the concept of ICANN. "The concept of an
>>> >> permanently assigned to govern the few aspects of the internet that
>>> >> oversight is a good one, however this particular process has gone
>horribly wrong 
>>> >> and permanent damage to the Internet will occur if it is not stopped
>and fixed".
>>> >> 
>>> >> The radio ad campaign which will air continuously on several
>nationally syndicated 
>>> >> shows will begin later this week and will run for about 10 days. It
>will inform 
>>> >> users about ICANN and will point them to a website that contains more
>>> >> information. One of the solutions suggested is for ISPs and internet
>users to 
>>> >> point their machines away from the root servers operated by ICANN and to 
>>> >> alternative providers who are not under ICANN's control. Instructions
>for doing 
>>> >> this are available at various websites, including that of ADNS.
>>> >> 
>>> >> Palmer also announced today that ADNS's  root nameserver, ASLAN, a member 
>>> >> of the Open Root Server Consortium, received 763,311 hits in June - an 
>>> >> increase of over 40% over May. 
>>> >> 
>>> >> "Registrations of domains ending in EARTH, USA and Z are also up to
>>> >> thousand domain names. We have really seen a growth in  registrations
>in the 
>>> >> past month due to our educational campaign", said Palmer. "What's more
>>> >> is that people are switching to other root server networks in large
>>> >> showing that they do take notice and are concerned about ICANN".
>>> >> 
>>> >> ADNS owns the three top-level domains "EARTH", "USA" and "Z" and
>provides internet 
>>> >> sites with the ability to register a domain under these top-level
>domains. ADNS 
>>> >> has been providing internet related services since 1993.
>>> >> 
>>> >> Each month, ADNS will offer free registration, web hosting service and
>>> >> service for those registering a domain in a specific part of the
>>> >> Z hierarchy, provided that they promise to develop public content
>under that domain name. 
>>> >> This month, anyone who registers a domain which ends in
>MISSISSIPPI.USA on July 10th 
>>> >> between 4am and 5 am Eastern Time will receive free registration, DNS
>and web hosting 
>>> >> services for one year.
>>> >> 
>>> >> ADNS is part of the Open Root Server Consortium (ORSC -
>http://www.open-rsc.org ), 
>>> >> a group of individuals and organizations who are all interested in an
>open, fair 
>>> >> and technically sound global Domain Name System for the internet. ADNS
>is providing 
>>> >> ASLAN free of charge for the use of the internet community. 
>>> >> 
>>> >> ADNS  also operates the  internet portal site called http://The.EARTH. 
>>> >> This site is accessible to any computer that is pointing to the new
>DNS servers. 
>>> >> 
>>> >> SOURCE: AGN Domain Name Service, Inc. 
>>> >> 
>>> >> CONTACT: John Palmer, [EMAIL PROTECTED] /  312-849-2753
>>> >> 
>>> > --
>>> > This message was passed to you via the [EMAIL PROTECTED] list.
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>>> > ("unsubscribe ga" in the body of the message).
>>> > Archives at http://www.dnso.org/archives.html
>>> -- 
>>> Best regards,
>>>  William                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> -- http://www.hungersite.org/cgi-bin/donate.pl http://www.clearlandmines.com
>Richard Sexton  |  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  | http://dns.vrx.net/tech/rootzone
>http://killifish.vrx.net    http://www.mbz.org    http://lists.aquaria.net
>Snail Mail: Maitland House, Bannockburn, Ontario. CANADA,  K0K 1Y0;
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