Can you all look at this and make suggestions - it's a draft of a letter
I'm sending my special list of 3,000 media people.  Let me know what you
think - suggestions - feel free to correct for spelling and grammer.

love & kisses
Joe Baptista

                                        dot.GOD Hostmaster
                                        +1 (805) 753-8697

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Fri, 7 Jul 2000 17:21:14 -0400
From: J. Baptista <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

-------------------- Keep message with Guides -----------------------

I am the internet top level administrator for GOD - which see - and I am writing you - a member of the press
to let them know that there are significant developments and changes 
to the internet infrastructure in process.  The internet community 
has lost faith in the United States Governments ability to administer 
the internet root servers and I want to let you know that I hold 
Becky Burr responsible.  Becky is a civil servant with the National 
Telecommunications and Information Administration, Department of 
Commerce (

One of the internets biggest myths is that the US Government was 
ever in charge of the domain system.  That is not true.  Anyone can 
provide root service to the internet community and at this time two 
independent organizations are doing just that.  The Open Root Server 
Consortium ( and the Internet Namespace 
Cooperative (  In the orient - root service 
is available from i-DNS (  At this time non
us root servers have 0.3% of the domain name space which represents 
over 600,000 internet users.  A number of private companies do the 
same in order to improve service to customers.

The only reason why the United States Government provides a majority 
of internet users with domain service is simply because:

        1) They were there first
        2) They were reliable and stable

In short - the United States root servers were convenient.  But that 
is no longer the case.  The appointment of ICANN (The Internet 
Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers) by the NTIA has ended up 
making a dog breakfast of the dns.  It's no longer reliable - and no 
longer stable.  And I hold Becky Burr reponsible for that - her 
failure to do her job and provide oversight on ICANN's activities 
has resulted in a movement away from ICANN and the US Government's 
crude and uneducated attempts to take over central control of the 

This will result in considerable embarrassment to the United States 
Government and it's supporters - which see

At this time a comprehensive educational campaign is being waged by 
various groups involved in internet infrastructure and dns.  A radio 
campaign was launched today -
by ADNS who run the top level domains EARTH, USA and Z.

Various groups are also launching various campaigns - which see


My personal experience in this comes from managing the GOD top level 
domain.  We went public a few months ago and only expected a few 
domains holders to help us in our beta test.  Which see -,2171,10_364761,00.html

However - instead of a few hundred users - we got over 1,000 users and 
just under 8,000 domains registered in GOD space within the three day 
registration period.  We never expected such a demand for domains.  And 
I hold Becky Burr responsible for the forced scarcity of namespace on 
US servers.  Have a look at our stats yourself -

I hope that you as a member of the media will take enought of an 
interest to clean up the US governments backyard.  As a US taxpayer 
I'm embarrassed to support a government which is trying to take control 
of the dns - but is too stupid to realize that ONE - it can't be done 
and TWO - in the process of doing that their going to piss off internet 
users and end up running a root service no one uses.  This is a civil 
servant comedy of error that must come to an end or else the US taxpayer 
is going to end up holding the bag.  Please help us expose this fraud.

Joe Baptista

                                        dot.GOD Hostmaster
                                        +1 (805) 753-8697

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