I want to thank brother Bob - for his pastorsforsoldiers.god
campaign. Today PCCF helped Bob and his Minitry reach out to 30,000
servicemen and women. God bless Bob.
> Date: Thu Jul 13 04:53:34 EDT 2000
> From: Rev. Bob McKenny <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: Rev Joe Baptista <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Hello
> Dear Brothers & Sisters in the U.S. military services:
> I'm sending you this message to let you know about some exciting
> news. We are setting up a mission on the internet to help soldiers
> and their families. Our hope is to make pastors from various
> demonitations available via email to military service personnel and
> their families in order to provide support and councilling. We know
> your jobs are difficult and we hope in some way our mission will show
> you how much you and the work you do is appreciated.
> Our site "Pastors for Soldiers" http://pastorsforsoldiers.god/ will
> be online in a few months. But we need your help in making this a
> reality. Please join ICANN at http://members.icann.org/ (it's free)
> and support our application to have our domain available to the U.S.
> military computer service. At the present time our domain can only be
> seen by people using the new expand internet domain services. To visit
> us you'll need to make changes to your computers configuration. Look at
> http://www.adns.net/ or you can try http://support.open-rsc.org/How_To/
> for more information.
> In closing, thank you for your time and any support you may give our
> efforts and goals.
> God bless, protect and love you
> Rev. Bob McKenny
> Pastors for Soldiers Ministry
you gotta love it ..
Joe Baptista
dot.GOD Hostmaster
+1 (805) 753-8697