Joe Baptista

                                        dot.GOD Hostmaster
                                        +1 (805) 753-8697

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Fri, 21 Jul 2000 12:52:42 -0400
From: !Dr. Joe Baptista <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: At-Large Member Nominations

On Fri, 21 Jul 2000, Andy Gardner wrote:

> The whole "at large" and GA sham was dreamed up to divert the
> attention of the arrow fodder, while the people controlling ICANN
> went ahead and arranged things the way they wanted.

I agree.

> It's all over. No use wasting time trying to work with ICANN on the
> inside - you'll never get anywhere. ICANN must be destroyed, if we
> want the Internet to return to what it was before - a tool for the
> people of the world, unfettered by Government and Corporate control.

It's ready andy - or -
now we just have to let the rest of the internet know.

So tell your friends and loved ones - tell all.

Joe Baptista

                                        dot.GOD Hostmaster
                                        +1 (805) 753-8697

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