icann-announce wrote:
> 1 August 2000

> ICANN's Nominating Committee is scheduled to announce its set of
> nominees for this year's election tomorrow, August 1. At-Large
> members who have activated their membership will be eligible to
> cast a vote for one At-Large member of the ICANN Board of Directors

They can choose between Lulin Gao (WIPO), Masanobu Katoh (Fujitsu),
Olivier Muron (France Telecom), and Winfried Schüller (Deutsche
Telekom), with a few obscure university people, who are probably
working under industry research contracts, thrown in for good

It's like the choice that Americans are given in voting for their
President: the Democratic Party, which represents big business, or
the Republican Party, which represents big business.

Isn't American-style democracy wonderful? You can choose how you
want to be screwed. It's as if Pinochet's torturers gave their
victims the choice between electric shocks to the genitals or a hot
poker in the anus, and called it democracy. 

Michael Sondow           I.C.I.I.U.     http://www.iciiu.org
Tel. (718)846-7482                        Fax: (603)754-8927

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