It was an russian-language article in ITC on-line magazine.
Below is quick translation from me. Sorry for result :)

The company Network Solutions has announced that in a near future it
plans to begin scale testing of technology allowing to use of the
address of domains, which are made with application of not latin symbols
(i.e. not included in the coding ASCII), for example, east hieroglyphs,
Arabian alphabet or specific letters of the European languages. The
given technology was developed by the Californian firm International.

The beginning of testing of new technology is planned to the fourth
quarter of the current year.


DJB> That's an interesting story - would you be kind enough to post the URL so
DJB> we can all read it.

DJB> I would say - based on your announcement that NSI is getting a clue and
DJB> wants to avoid potential competition - which see 

DJB> regards
DJB> joe baptista

DJB> On Wed, 23 Aug 2000, Sergei V. Kolodka wrote:

>> Somebody know something adout that ?
>> Just read about that on local newsline but
>> want to read full story from "first hands"
>> There was something about NSI ready to begin
>> test of system, which allow to use in domain
>> names non-ASCII characters like chinese, arabic
>> or european special symbols.
>> Question is how i can access site with
>> chinese symbols in name with only english
>> keyboard and english software ? :)
>> And is OpenSRS involved in that ?

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