Edupage, August 30, 2000

A consortium of more than 20 domain name registrars, including
the largest registrar, Network Solutions, will submit a proposal
to ICANN bidding to operate one of the new top-level domain names
that ICANN intends to implement. The fact that Network Solutions
also operates the .com registry raises some additional questions
regarding the proposal.  Network Solutions also manages the
master domain name list for .com, .org, and .net, as well as the
"A" root server, which is the backbone of the Web.  Due to
Network Solutions' control of the .com registry, all registrars
pay Network Solutions $6 for each name registered in .com, .net,
or .org, although Network Solutions' registrar should pay its
registry the fee also.
(Newsbytes, August 28 2000)

Joe Baptista
The dot.GOD Registry 

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