ICANN Directors Nominations (follow up) ======================================= CANDIDATES: ----------- This past Saturday 19 Aug 2000 I made a number of predictions regarding ICANN directors nominations - which see; http://lists.netsol.com/cgi-bin/wa?A2=ind0008&L=DOMAIN-POLICY&P=R34370 I am pleased to say that the candidates I selected have all been nominated with the exception of two candidates in the Asia Pacific region - being Jong Ho Kim who currently holds 587 votes and Kuo-Wei Wu with 715 votes. I have also added Berend Schuitema from the African Region with 9 votes (7 to qualify) and Dmitri Bourkov from Europe with 536 votes. PROJECTIONS: ------------ On Friday, 1 Sep 2000 I provided some straight line projections which estimated the total validated/verified applications would be some 82,839 or 52% of total applications - which see; http://lists.netsol.com/cgi-bin/wa?A2=ind0009&L=DOMAIN-POLICY&P=R82 These projections were not met - I expect they will close nominations with some 77,000 validated applications which represents 49% of total applications for membership (close - but no cigar). Based on this information I can say with certainty that large blocks of the @large are controlled - and at least a good portion are bogus registrations. DISCUSSION: ----------- At this time the only region I can see with any chance of beating the ICANN candidate selections is Europe and maybe Latin America. This is based on the total vote count per region refelected as a percentage of validated members. Europe is at 36% while Latin America squeeks by at 28%. If candidates in those two regions "make deals" with each other and can deliver the vote - then the probability of a win against an ICANN selected director is possible. I can not say the same for other regions. There has also been considerable discussion on numerous lists with respect to the European region being taken over by hackers. I have found many of these discussion somewhat humourous. I feel Europe and the organizational level there is not even close to a well organized campaign. It is "organized" but not in the professional way of political parties. I find many of these accusation of takeover and highjacking to be mainly bogus and ill informed speculation. The organizational efforts deployed in Europe should be taken as a minimum requirement guide for future candidates. Or in plain language - if you sit on your ass and play with yourself you'll get a warm fuzzy feeling - but don't expect to win this election. CURRENT STATS, VOTES & PROJECTIONS: ----------------------------------- Date / Desc Africa Pacific Europe Latin North Totals 18-Aug 171 22124 14803 2130 7864 47092 22-Aug 197 27513 16787 2494 8406 55397 23-Aug 212 28575 17888 2749 8804 58228 25-Aug 225 29481 18660 2838 8956 60160 28-Aug 256 31981 20339 3144 9584 65304 30-Aug 273 33135 21051 3248 9812 67519 1-Sep 281 34164 21626 3324 10009 69404 4-Sep 302 35373 22544 3435 10233 71887 5-Sep 308 36006 22870 3492 10346 73022 6-Sep 312 36831 23123 3519 10482 74267 7-Sep 314 37765 23366 3554 10615 75614 Total Verified apps 314 37765 23366 3554 10615 75614 Total membership apps 787 93782 35942 6486 21596 158593 % total Apps verified 40% 40% 65% 55% 49% 48% Change per Region 143 15641 8563 1424 2751 28522 Change per day 7 782 428 71 138 1426 Projected Verified apps 321 38547 23794 3625 10753 77040 % of total Apps 41% 41% 66% 56% 50% 49% Total Votes 66 4750 8483 1003 2012 16314 % of validated members 21% 13% 36% 28% 19% 22% % of total Apps 8% 5% 24% 15% 9% 10% 2% of validated 7 756 468 72 213 NOMINATED CANDIDATES: --------------------- Region Name Nflag Votes % Validated AFRICA Amin Amor N 9 2.9% AFRICA Calvin Browne N 48 15.3% AFRICA Berend Schuitema N Add 9 2.9% ASIA Hong Jie li N 1153 3.1% EUROPE Andy Mueller-Maguhn N 2692 11.5% EUROPE Lutz Donnerhacke N 859 3.7% EUROPE Jeanette Hofmann N 1185 5.1% EUROPE Dmitri Bourkov N Add 536 2.3% LATAMER Claudio Silva Menezes N 865 24.3% NRAMER Karl Auerbach N 575 5.4% NRAMER Barbara Simons N 429 4.0% NRAMER Emerson Tiller N 373 3.5% Notes on NFlag: N (Nominated) N Add (Nominated and added later) regards Joe Baptista http://www.dot.god/ dot.GOD Hostmaster +1 (805) 753-8697