Q3 Quotes file:

Date: Fri, 15 Sep 1995 12:40:30 -0700
From: Jon Postel 
Subject: Re: ISOC Statement on Domain Name Fees


I think this introduction of charging by the Intenic for domain
registrations is sufficient cause to take steps to set up a small
number of alternate top level domains managed by other registration

I'd like to see some competition between registration services to
encourage good service at low prices.

I do think we need to proceed with some care, to understand what are
the requirements and responsibilities of these service centers, what
informatrion they have to provide to the community, what oversight they
are subject to and by whom, etc.

I'd be happy if you could help me come up with a plan for this.



From: "Diane M Boling" 
Subject: Re: problem with mx
Date: Sun, 14 Dec 1997 18:31:38 -0500

Sorry to hear about Postel losing funding.  NOT...

At Your Name Service,
                                   Diane M Boling
                                   [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Subject:      Re: Eugene Kashpureff's Defense Fund
Date:         1997/11/25
Message-ID:   <l03020903b0a049195fd7@[]>
Newsgroups:   cbc.cis.nanog

At 6:42 PM -0800 11/24/97, Paul A Vixie wrote:
>How much do I have to pay to keep him in jail forever?


From: Bob Allisat <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Life Behind The Scenes

 The fact that the USG dumped CORE is the worst kept secret
 since the "Where's Eugene" game!


From: Einar Stefferud <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Anyone who believes they already have all the answers to the
DNS problem is probably not well informed about the realities
of life on this planet.


>From <guy-in-charge@big-computer-company-name-withheld-by-request>:

<bigcompany> doesn't see that IAHC has anything to do with Internet. They
see it as being about corporate relationships and alliances. In other
words, what matters is not what IAHC does or says, but rather what
other companies see <bigcompany> as doing.


From: Nathaniel Borenstein <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Richard J. Sexton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Excerpts from mail: 14-Oct-97 Re: DNS Panic attacks "Richard J.
Sexton"@ns1. (5232*)

> I guess Jon feels he's protecting us (the net) from the forces
> of darkness, which makes me ask, "great, but who protects
> us from Jon Postel?" I mean if Postel went postal, as in
> right round the bend crackers, what happens then? Does
> anybody else have visions of Vixie walking around with his
> underwear on the outside because IANA said so ? :-)

I'd somehow managed not to have those particular visions, but now I'm
sure they'll haunt me until my dying day.  An ugly sight.  Thanks a lot.
 :-)  -- Nathaniel
"To believe in synchronicity is to believe in the ability of the universe, 
on rare occasions, to spontaneously generate goodness, beauty, and joy."

Nathaniel Borenstein           |  FAQ & PGP key:
Chief Scientist, First Virtual Holdings    |  [EMAIL PROTECTED]


From: Patricia O Tuama <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Fri, 30 Jan 1998 17:58:47 -0600 (CST)

.shop ?  .firm?  just who thought up the seven new domains?


From: "John F. Woods" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I thought the seven new domains were .happy, .sleepy, .grumpy, ...


From: Dave Crocker

Poof. It was the scumbags on the IAHC, not CORE, who chose the names.


From: Eugene Kashpureff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Are we having fun yet ?


From: "vinton g. cerf" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I hope a critical mass of willingness will emerge in short order.


From: Brian Reid <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Richard J. Sexton" 

But you can't spell to save your life.


From: Tressa Kirby <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Crocker? He's backpeddling so fast he's gonna pass himself
in 1997.


Date: Tue, 12 Nov 1996 14:58:01 -0800 (PST)
X-Authentication-Warning: mail.proper.com: majordomo set sender to 
Subject: Welcome to iahc-discuss

Welcome to the iahc-discuss mailing list!

If you ever want to remove yourself from this mailing list,
send the following command in email to

    unsubscribe iahc-discuss "Richard J. Sexton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


From: Einar Stefferud <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Thu, 05 Feb 1998 00:22:44 -0800

"CORE joins eDNS and Alternic!"   Sheeeeesh;-)...\Stef


Date: Fri, 4 Dec 1998 09:15:53 -0800
From: Kent Crispin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

As of this moment NSI is effectively a not-for-profit registry. 


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Bill Manning)

>From my limited understanding, Jon does not eat sushi...


From: Bob Allisat ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

Sure I'm a team player. I just havn't found my team yet.


From: Vint Cerf

I remember IANA.


From: jeff Williams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Organization: INEGroup INC.
To: IFWP Discussion List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Jim Dixon wrote:

Artificial persons Jim?  Are you joking?  Please define what
an artificial person is.  In detail if you please...


From: Simon Higgs ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

And on the original topic, and speaking personally as an ordinary .MIL
user, I think you're going to have an impossible time trying to usurp
control over any privately held TLD. Especially one with nukes.


>From Karl Aurbach ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

Just like cockroaches, expenses multiply when the lights are out.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (William X. Walsh)

Oh spare us Rhonda. Are you still on this diatribe?


From: Don Heath <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Huh?  What is this?


From: Don Mitchell

The first order of business for any organization is self-preservation. 


From: A. Michael Froomkin

How is it that somehow ICANN has made me feel stirrings of sympathy
for NSI for the first time in my life?


From: Gregory D. Phillips, Howard, Phillips & Andersen

In Porsche's view, the WIPO Final Report does not go far enough in
protecting world famous trademarks. 


From: Peter Deutsch ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

Wow, this stuff just keeps repeating like a raw onion.


From: Mikki Barry ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

As has been said a multitude of times, current civil law takes care
of "cybersquatting."  The DNS works equally well if McDonalds.com
maps to a sheep farmer in Scottland.


From: "Bret A. Fausett" ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

Regardless, I would never trust a company with a spinning, animated GIF 
as its logo.


From: Dave Crocker

Generic desire for free-market operation is fine.  Real-world
constraints don't permit unfettered operation.


From: Tony Rutkowski

It's time to give Esther, Twomey, Javier and friends a
hug and pull the plug on life support.  They led a brief
but heady existence, constantly intoxicated on the power
of Internet governance, and a lavish lifestyle
supported by the ICANN tax.  They were truly legends
in their own minds.  They will live on in the history
book of broken things...and IBM commercials.


>From Jim Fleming:

Now that we see that the ICANN process will clearly
be a repeat of the IAHC CORE process it is time to
focus on the future more than the past. (i.e. we know
how that story turns out...why watch it again ?)


On Monday, May 18, 1998 3:22 AM, Michael Dillon[SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] wrote:
It is my studied opinion that Jim Fleming is not demented, that he has a
specific goal in his provocateur activities and that he is likely being
paid to do this by the U.S. telco industry. His goal is to discredit the
Internet governance infrastructure in order to manipulate the U.S. 
government into creating an FCC-like regulatory infrastructure for the
Internet. The U.S. telcos (and indeed national PTTs the world over) like
this sort of structure because they know that, with it they can control
the Internet by the same sorts of political manoeuverings they have
perfected over the past several generations. 


From: Paul A Vixie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I'll go on record as saying that the IPv6 DNS model is too complicated
and is likely to decrease robustness for the first few years after it's
rolled out.

But it's the standard, and god dammit if we're going to do that much
work then I want to see the address allocation policies reflect this


"I don't think we should hand out domains with generic names,
I mean some guy has patents.com and that's just not right."

  - Jon Cohen, 

At the Industry Canada Domain and Trademark Workshop, Ottawa 1997


Date: Sat, 24 Jul 1999 22:54:40 -0700 (PDT)
From: Karl Auerbach 

Of course, one can apologize all day long that ICANN needs to be so
closed and needs to be so unresponsive.  And I'd understand completely.
I'd be embarrassed to be known as one who allowed Jones Day to run up
half a million dollars in bills (for, among other things, writing
ambigious corporate documents) and have a high-priced, abrasive CEO
who obviously has no experience in doing anything on less than a royal
budget and who needs ten officers and executives to manage four


From: "David J. Steele" 
Subject: [bwg-n-friends] Resolving .web TLDs

I did it too... It was easy.  So, for what its worth, the 
server hosting this list will resolve .web TLDs.


From: Jim Fleming

I predict that ICANN will be accused of becoming an "Internet Government"
like you have done....and then...ICANN will throw up their hands in a fit
of disgust and become an IPO-based, Multi-Level-Marketing (MLM) empire
faster than you can say...."Amway"....


>Date: Fri, 27 Aug 1999 12:54:14 -0400
>From: Michael Sondow 
>Subject: Re: [IFWP] Conspiracy theories.
>Kent Crispin wrote:
> >
> > It is the evidence of pervasive deception: fake businesses, fake
> > organizations, fake email addresses, fake names, fake people.
>You mean like Javier Sola's "European Internet Business
>Association"? Or like CORE itself, incorporated illegally in
>Switzerland and guilty of violating the U.S. antitrust laws, the
>Foreign Agent Registration Act, and its own Articles?
>Or are you referring to ICANN itself?


"This has got to stop, this is crazy!"
  --  Dennis Jennings on the DNSO

From: Jim Dixon

To meet calls for openness they hold rigged meetings around the world, 
an itinerant mockery of us all.  In Berlin, in Singapore, in Santiago
sycophants and bureaucrats, clowns and the power-mad, all the 
classic enemies of the Internet dance for their favour.  It's hard to
remember that this circus was supposed to replace IANA.


From: Mikki Barry

How copyright can be included in domain name issues and individual
domain name holders excluded is beyond me.


Date: Thu, 07 Oct 1999 12:43:53 -0400
From: Milton Mueller ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

Get used to it, maggots: "ICANN's new Board members will be Jon
Cohen, Amadeu "Zippy" Abril, and Nii Quaynor"


From: "John Berryhill Ph.D. J.D." 
Date: Fri, 14 Jan 2000 17:28:36 -0500

I wouldn't have a problem with the fact that Justice is blind
if it wasn't for the fact that all the guide dogs are lawyers. 
(I stole that, so don't quote me)


Yesturday the General Assembly of the DNSO of ICANN was witness to a mass
exodus of support with the resignations of Karl Auerbach, Mikki Barry,
Milton Mueller, Davis Steele, Christopher Ambler, and Ellen Rony.

I would like to recognize these actions as a confirmation of the effective
leadership skills of the Chair and Alternate Chair of the GA in building

God bless the GA and all who would sink in her.

Joe Baptista


Science does not emerge from voting, party politics, or public debate.
                                               - Mark Crispin


From: Milton Mueller 

A political squabble between a Brit named "Nigel" and a group of
former mutineers with all the same last names, over control of a TLD
on a tiny island in the middle of the ocean with no Internet access. 
Is this a lost episode of Monty Python or what?


From: Michael Graff

If you're not part of the IETF, you're insane.


From: Miguel Cruz

At least Network Solutions never spammed this newsgroup with stupid ads.


From: Brian Reid

The Internet is about consensus, not truth. Never mistake truth for consensus.


From: Jay O'Brien

What is even more depressing, is it is "consensus of those present", 
not necessarily concensus of all who are involved.


From: Barry Margolin

RFC 2317 requires *both* the ISP and the organization hosting
your reverse domain to have a clue.


From: Ellen Rony

Asking for a working system is not at all the same as asking the
original board members to stick around.   Some of us believe ICANN
is more likely to get a workable system if they would leave, like immediately.


From: Mitchel Ahern

Good -- I can feel your anger. Feel the power of the Dark Side . . .


From: Ellen Rony

As I read these UDRP decisions, they are anything but "uniform".


From: Jim Fleming

The problem with the DNS hierarchical organizaion is we all know
we fit somewhere, but the problem is we all chafe at being


>From Greg Skinner:

It's possible that introduction of TLDs into the root zone might
require international treaties.


From: Michael D. Palage, Esq.

The trademark lobby must be placated because of its potential
ability and inclination to bankrupt new registrars and wreck
havoc on their registrant databases.


From: John Berryhill

I'm sure I remember something about an objective of ICANN having
something to do with providing for competitive market forces in
the domain name market.  Having 40 different brands of vanilla
is hardly how a real market works.


From: Craig Simon 

Maybe .gb will be in demand once everything converges on gameboy.


From: "John Berryhill Ph.D. J.D." 

The platform of the future will be the mind.

After that, it will be the spirit.

And then, the platform will simply be.

(in the meantime, the platform will be anything capable of displaying
nude women and/or Pokemon, but not at the same time)


Michael D. Palage
Sent: Monday, April 17, 2000 1:28 PM
Subject: [WG-B] Report on Sunrise Provision

 I am trying to make sure that I get all the dissents incorporated
 into the Appendix of the report. The report will be posted shortly.

From: "Michael Froomkin - U.Miami School of Law" 

Aren't you the dissent by now?


From: Karl Auerbach 
> The Names Council recognizes that any roll-out must not
> jeopardize the stability of the Internet.

I'd bet that the Names Council couldn't figure out how to
destabilize the internet even if we gave 'em console logins
and enable passwords for all the routers at all the exchange points.

Remember, the net was designed to survive nuclear holocast.


The trademark lobby must be placated because of its potential ability
and inclination to bankrupt new registrars and wreck havoc on their
registrant databases.

Michael Palage, Chair Working Group B, at January 6, 2000
SBA Office of Advocacy Roundtable on Internet Domain Names


From: Michael Graham:

Only speculators and wild fans/critics have a need for domain names
which incorporate other persons'/companies' trademarks.


From: John Berryhill
Subject: Trademark confusion in domain names

Your faucet may say "Delta," but you don't ask your sink, "When's the
next flight?"


From: John Berryhill
Subject: soloinsurance.com

Hey, this is more fun than arguing with da Silva about newsgroup


From: "A.M. Rutkowski" 
Subject: ICANN and its Tinker Bell personalities

Let's say that I find the scope, comprehension and level
of analysis of Berkeman and others dabbling in Internet
Governance to be rather disappointing.  But what the hell,
it's a pop culture.


From: Patrick Corliss 

David Crocker

I joined this list without knowing anybody on it.  It didn't take
me long to come to the conclusion that you are the worst kind of
hypocrite it has been my misfortune to come across.


From: Patrick Corliss 

When the battle's over, Dave Crocker comes in to bayonet the wounded.


From: Karl Auerbach 

Until the ICANN board can articulate specific fears about "Internet
stability" I will continue to assert that they are being children who
think there are monsters under their beds.


From: John Berryhill

...but I let my sister talk me into watching an episode of this show
where they put a bunch of people on an island south of Borneo, for
real, and then subject them to various psychological manipulations
while they are trying to survive.

No, no, no, I'm not talking about the ICANN meeting, I'm talking about
a TV program.


"We'll take money from anybody"

               - Ken Stubbs, at the Yokahama ICANN meeting.


From: Milton Mueller 

syr.edu is not "guessable." But if you tell me you're going to take away
"syr.edu" and give me "67th.oir" I will tell you to get bent. That's
the difference between a mnemonic and guessability.


From: Jay 
Subject:      [DOMAIN-POLICY] RIP to internic.net

Rest In Peace, Internic.net!


From: Andy Gardner 

Dave Crocker's comedy background shows it's face.
"ICANN is trying to treat folks equally"
Someone better put that on a quote page somewhere.


From:  "Francis Gurry" ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

I do not have a specific public case of reverse domain name
highjacking to which I can refer you, but I do know, from 
confidential approaches made to me by a number of different persons,
that reverse domain name highjacking does exist and that some persons
acting in good faith have been the subject of unfair attacks.


From: "Bret A. Fausett" 

Amusing sentence from the new TLD application instructions:

  To assist the ICANN staff in handling applications, we would appreciate
  notification by e-mail ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) when sending an
  application that exceeds 30 kilograms (66 pounds).


>From Brett Fausett and Richard Sexton:

   The Tata Sons guys were plotters,
   who feared they were victims of squatters,
   so to WIPO they bitched
   Bodacious-Tatas was ditched
   For showing their bodacious daughters


>From Craig Simon and Richard Sexton:

   The UDRP needs exhibits, 
   That compare domains with big-tits.
   Meanings profound,
   Versus lovely and round.
   Shows clearly WIPO are half-wits


From: "John Berryhill Ph.D. J.D."


We've hit the critical juncture at which domain policy discussions
are indistinguishable from talk.bizarre.


From: Brett Fausset
> A screwup would be too embarrassing.

You mean like the link from "Lyman Chapin" on the Nominee page
(http://members.icann.org/nominees.html) that takes you to Donald N.
Langenberg's platform? That kind of thing?

[EMAIL PROTECTED]                               http://ph-1.613.473.1719  

These are the days in which even the mildly critical individual is likely 
to seem like a lion in contrast with the general mood... when the man of 
controversy is looked upon as a disturbing influence; when originality is 
taken as a sign of instability; and when... the bland lead the bland. 
                        -- John Kenneth Galbraith

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