Anupam Chander writes:
> While I appreciate Mr. Sondow's concern, this seems to me a premature
> assessment.

It seems to premature to Mr. Chander because you he has only
recently become aware of ICANN's activities. If he had been
following its development for the past two years, as I have, he
would admit that the assessment is accurate. At least, he would
admit it if he were truthful.

> I am grateful that Mr. Sondow and others will work to make sure
> that this view of a greedy ICANN will not come to pass.

This is absurd. It has come to pass, despite the efforts of myself
and others (not including, however, Mr. Chander). Where has Mr.
Chander been all this time, and how does he pretend to come into the
fray now, out of nowhere, to give his pedantic and mistaken opinions

> As an aside, Mr. Sondow quoted one sentence from a long email and
> cross-posted that sentence to numerous other lists, out of context from both
> my original email and the long discussion that preceded it on the list to
> which it was posted (namely, ncdnhc).

I am not a subscriber to the ncdnhc list; I received that post
because Mr. Chander himself cross-posted it to other lists to which
I do subscribe. It was therefore very far from being a personal or
restricted message, and I have certainly not broken any rules of
netiquet in replying to it and posting my response to other lists
concerned with these matters.

As to its being out of context, that is simply untrue. There was no
context, other than what was contained in the sentence quoted.

> I think this practice should be
> discouraged.

The practice that needs to be discouraged is that of outsiders like
Chander injecting themselves into an ongoing history and attempting
to convince list members that their opinion - that ICANN is a
legitimate organization - is valid.

Michael Sondow
Tel(718)846-7482                                Fax(603)754-8927

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