Pacifica Radio is one of the last sources
of non-corporate coverage of today's issues.
PBS recently did an entire show on its long 
history, and how it has struggled and 
survived through the decades.  

Any change from its historical roots 
would be a terrible loss.



P.S. Pacifica is also one of the few radio 
stations to tell the true story about ICANN:

>                                  FAIR-L
>                     Fairness & Accuracy in Reporting
>                Media analysis, critiques and news reports
>Pacifica management turns against free speech
>October 19, 2000
>According to a leaked October 18 memo from "Democracy Now!" host Amy Goodman
>to the Pacifica Radio network's Board of Directors, Pacifica presented
>Goodman with a new set of "rules" on October 16 which drastically curtail
>her freedom to decide what stories to cover and how, and even attempt to
>restrict her free speech rights. (The memo was not given to FAIR by Goodman
>or any other member of the "Democracy Now!" staff.)
>"Democracy Now!," produced at New York City Pacifica station WBAI, is
>Pacifica's most popular and influential show. Hosted by award-winning
>journalists Amy Goodman and Juan Gonzalez, the daily newsmagazine is on the
>cutting edge of American journalism, bringing the public stories and voices
>too often shut out of mainstream media and standing out, as the show's motto
>declares, as "the exception to the rulers."
>Over the last year, the national management of Pacifica has become
>increasingly hostile to the crew of the show "Democracy Now!", and in
>particular to Goodman. Goodman's leaked memo reveals that after fruitless
>attempts at good-faith negotiations, Goodman has been forced to file formal
>grievances against Pacifica's management charging "harassment, gender
>harassment and censorship," along with other violations of her union
>In a violation of Goodman's freedom of speech, Pacifica's new "rules"
>threaten to fire her if she does not clear any and all speaking engagements
>with Pacifica management.  In addition, the network threatens to fire
>Goodman if she does not provide Pacifica Program Director Steve Yasko each
>Friday with "a list of possible shows the following week" and "determine the
>topics of at least three shows the preceding week."
>"Essentially, these rules make it impossible for Goodman to continue to
>produce the hard-hitting, breaking news stories 'Democracy Now!' is famous
>for," says FAIR senior analyst Steve Rendall. "It seems clear that Pacifica
>is trying to force Amy out of her job."
>Background: The Crisis at Pacifica
>Most Pacifica listeners first became aware of the growing conflict within
>the network when in March 1999, Pacifica fired Nicole Sawaya, station
>manager of Berkeley station KPFA; a few days later, veteran reporter Larry
>Bensky was also fired from KPFA for discussing on-air his concerns about the
>network's autocratic management. In the wake of the firings, as many as
>2,000 listeners took to the streets of Berkeley to protest the actions of
>Pacifica's management and demand greater accountability to the community.
>As a media watch group dedicated to promoting greater diversity in the
>press, FAIR has followed with distress the deepening crisis at the country's
>first listener-supported community radio network. Over the last year and a
>half, Pacifica's management has increasingly orchestrated censorship--
>including of FAIR's own radio show, CounterSpin-- retaliatory personnel
>moves and the disenfranchisement of listeners and local advisory boards in
>order to impose its often regressive decisions on the network.
>The latest moves against "Democracy Now!" are a sad indication that
>Pacifica's management is making a final break with the progressive core
>values laid out by Pacifica founder Lew Hill.
>Save "Democracy Now!"
>"'Democracy Now!' is quite simply one of the most important shows on the
>radio today," says FAIR's Rendall. "Goodman's journalism is exemplary.
>Pacifica has rewarded her for years of dedicated work with threats, daily
>harassment and intimidation."
>Goodman is a 1998 recipient (with "Democracy Now!" correspondent Jeremy
>Scahill) of the George Polk Award for the radio documentary "Drilling and
>Killing: Chevron and Nigeria's Military Dictatorship." She has also won
>numerous awards for the radio documentary "Massacre: The Story of East
>Timor" (co-produced with journalist Allan Nairn), including the Robert F.
>Kennedy Prize for International Reporting, the Alfred I. DuPont-Columbia
>Silver Baton, the Armstrong Award and the Radio/Television News Directors
>Pacifica's actions against "Democracy Now!" come at a time when the show has
>been doing a remarkable amount of groundbreaking work. During the protests
>at the Democratic and Republican national conventions, the show's 2000
>election project, "Breaking With Convention: Power Protest and the
>Presidency," was simulcast live via satellite on community radio and public
>access TV stations across the country. This unprecedented collaboration
>generated the largest expansion of audience in Pacifica's history.
>In addition, "Democracy Now!" has recently broken major stories on a host of
>issues, including Chevron's role in Nigeria, the Lori Berenson case and East
>Timor, to name a few. Pacifica's response? According to Goodman's memo, in a
>September 14 meeting with Pacifica's General Managers, KPFK's Mark Schubb
>explained to Goodman that her style of reporting was inappropriate because
>listeners "don't want to hear graphic details of police brutality before
>ACTION: Please contact Pacifica's National Board and demand that it withdraw
>its new "rules" for "Democracy Now!", cease harassing Goodman and give her
>their full support in continuing her ground-breaking journalism.
>Please remember that some individuals on the Board support Goodman's work;
>your letters will be most effective if they encourage undecided Board
>members to take a strong stand in support of the show.
>In addition, FAIR and the San Francisco-based Media Alliance are urging
>Pacifica listeners across the country to attend protests outside their local
>Pacifica stations in support of "Democracy Now!"  Details will be
>forthcoming at: .
>You can cut and past this list of email addresses into the "To" heading of
>your letter-- your email program may require semicolons in between addresses
>rather than commas. Fuller contact info is below:
>For more on FAIR's role in and analyses of the Pacifica crisis, see:
>For a full history of the turmoil at Pacifica, see Save Pacifica's
>chronology at:
> .
>To stay up to date on upcoming Pacifica protests, see:
>Pacifica National Board
>Bessie Wash, Pacifica executive director
>phone: (toll free) 888-770-4944 x348, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>David Acosta, chair
>Phone: (713) 926-4604, FAX: (713) 921-2780, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Ken Ford, vice chair
>Phone: (202) 822-0228, FAX: (202) 822-0369, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Lynn Chadwick, former executive director, now "consultant"
>Dr. Mary Frances Berry, former chair, now Board member
>Phone: (202) 337-0382, FAX: (202) 376-7558, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>June Makela, at-large member
>Phone: (212) 673-9225 or (212) 768-1831, Fax (212) 673-9225,
>Frank Millspaugh, WBAI
>Phone: (212) 741-0839, FAX: (212) 924-7409, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Bob Farrell - KPFK
>Phone: (323) 299-3800 X 255, FAX: (323) 299-3896, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Lee, Bertram M
>Phone: (202)965-6223, 965-6224
>John M. Murdock
>Phone: 202-861-0900, FAX: 202-296-2882, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Michael Palmer, KPFT
>Phone: (713) 840-6646 or (713) 960-8583, FAX: 713-960-8583,
>Karolyn Van Putten, at large member
>Phone: (415) 771-1160, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Wendell L. Johns, WPFK
>Phone: (202) 752-8193, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Andrea Cisco, WBAI
>Pete Bramson, KPFA
>Rabbi Aaron Kriegel,  KPFK
>Tomas Moran, KPFA
>Rob Robinson, WPFW
>Leslie Cagan, WBAI
>Beth Lyons, WBAI
>Valerie Chambers, KPFT
>                                ----------
>Feel free to respond to FAIR ( [EMAIL PROTECTED] ). We can't reply to
>everything, but we will look at each message. We especially appreciate
>documented example of media bias or censorship. And please send copies of
>your email correspondence with media outlets, including any responses, to us
>FAIR ON THE AIR: FAIR's founder Jeff Cohen is a regular panelist on the Fox
>News Channel's "Fox News Watch," which airs which airs Saturdays at 7 pm and
>Sundays at 11 am (Eastern Standard Time). Check your local listings.
>FAIR produces CounterSpin, a weekly radio show heard on over 120 stations in
>the U.S. and Canada. To find the CounterSpin station nearest you, visit
> .
>Please support FAIR by subscribing to our bimonthly magazine, Extra!
>For more information, go to:
> . Or call 1-800-847-3993.
>FAIR's INTERNSHIP PROGRAM: FAIR accepts internship applications for its New
>York office on a rolling basis. For more information, please e-mail Peter
>You can subscribe to FAIR-L at our web site: , or by
>sending a "subscribe FAIR-L enter your full name" command to
>[EMAIL PROTECTED] . Our subscriber list is kept confidential.
>You may leave the list at any time-- just send a message with "SIGNOFF
>FAIR-L" in the body to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] .
>                                   FAIR
>                              (212) 633-6700
>                           E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>list administrators: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Jay Fenello,
New Media Strategies
------------------------------------  678-585-9765
Aligning with Purpose(sm) ... for a Better World
"Wake up, Neo...  The Matrix has you..."  -- Trinity

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