On Sun, 5 Nov 2000, William X. Walsh wrote:

> Hello Ron,
> Sunday, November 05, 2000, 5:28:03 PM, you wrote:
> > At 06:34 PM 11/5/00 -0500, !Dr. Joe Baptista wrote:
> >>Last year alternate roots supported 0.3% of internet traffic.
> >>
> >>This year alternate roots are supporting 5.5% of internet traffic.
> > I wonder how long this will be permitted to continue before
> > ICANN, DoC, WIPO, etc *require* everyone to use USG roots...?
> His statistic is bogus.  He has absolutely no real basis for saying how
> much of the internet traffic is using the alternative roots in this
> way.

Anyone interested in verifying my results is welcomed to do so.  The claim
is as follows, of the 60,513 dns surveyed 3,331 reported using non-USG
roots.  A sample of this size has a standard error of +/- 1.6509% with a
95% confidence.  So I'm very confident were seeing a trend away from

William if your willing to provide me with an undertaking that you will
verify my data then i'll send you the ip's already tested and you'll see
the results are correct.  If not - shut your uneducated pie hole.

The bottom line here is that my predictions that ICANN would lose market
share are right on.  Last year it was at 99.7% and this year it's at


Joe Baptista

                                        dot.GOD Hostmaster

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