The Internet Namespace Cooperative
Root Sync report for Mon Nov  6 05:34:51 EST 2000
(c) The dot.GOD Registry @
BE - ERROR detected in zone .BE
 >>> delete ns NS.DNS.BE. from root
DK - ERROR detected in zone .DK
 <<< add ns NS4.TELE.DK. to root
LA - ERROR detected in zone .LA
 <<< add ns A.I-DNS.NET. to root
 <<< add ns C.I-DNS.NET. to root
 <<< add ns E.I-DNS.NET. to root
 <<< add ns F.I-DNS.NET. to root
 >>> delete ns AUTH03.NS.UU.NET. from root
 >>> delete ns DNSSEC1.SINGNET.COM.SG. from root
 >>> delete ns DNSSEC2.SINGNET.COM.SG. from root
 >>> delete ns DNSSEC3.SINGNET.COM.SG. from root
 >>> delete ns NS.RIPE.NET. from root
MT - ERROR detected in zone .MT
 >>> delete ns SPARKY.ARL.MIL. from root
SE - ERROR detected in zone .SE
 >>> delete ns SPARKY.ARL.MIL. from root

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