ass licking and a failed attemt to identify with the target - i.e. yours trully. But in the end - how does an eTLD resolve .. only in the imagination of friderick harris ... ---------- Forwarded message ---------- Date: Fri, 15 Sep 2000 08:28:48 -0400 From: Frederick Harris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: Joe Baptista <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Subject: Joe -Urgent - please read. Dear Joe, Thank you for your memo. I have to respect your wishes, and I do. For that reason I intend to share with you something I share with very few persons. Perhaps this will surprise you, but I am (in a way) somewhat like you are, or say you are. I am a very shy person. I work alone. I struggle mightily each time I do a business trip or a deal with venal capitalists precisely because I prefer quiet and solitude. When you and I last agreed to meet together, I drove all the way up to Huntsville with my wife - and started down the highway toward Ottawa. I then stopped, turned around and came home. I suppose I intuitively understood that it would be a mistake to visit you unannounced - even though I know we will get along terrific. Joseph - the web is ultimately about human connectivity. It isn't about business or profits or corporations or anything of the sort. If you want to discouver the *real* source of the web (in my view) please, look to Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, a Jesuit theologian, who wrote about the internet (he then referred to it as the noosphere) - in 1946 I believe. You can find it in "The Phenomenon of Man" P. Teilhard de Chardin (I forget the name of the publisher). It is not for nothing that I have approached you. I realized some time ago that you are (apparently) reclusive. But I also appreciate your apparent genius and I think you have much to contribute to the entire internet. I don't buy any of this stuff about Ester Polyester - and ICANN - and I could care less about ICANN. I know how to bypass ICANN. . Now - what I suspect that God has given you is a deep understanding of "human connectivity" and the implications of what that means for human beings in the realm of technology. I already know that you are probably very gifted man. It is important, therefore, not only to me but to others - and the internet - that the synergy which I know is there be allowed to happen. I am not going to dwell on that part of it here. So please here me out! I am about as easy going a person as you will find. I would like you to please copnside the following - which are your own words from your memo to me last night: Joe: " The only thing I can offer you is to co-ordinate your admins in setting up the service." Okay! I accept your offer! The papers and money $3,000.00 will go out to CIRA today for the .CA registry. I intend to vigorously compete with all the platers in that name space. I will be doiung it, as I told you, in Canada *and* in California, through Valley Corporation, a company I have set up to sell .CA web addresses in the area that runs rougly along the ,ines of the San Andreas Fault from Silicon Valley down through Southern California into The San Fernando Valley. I will pay you for your admin services. Here is what is required from the privacy of your home and in whatever manner you choose to do it. All I ask is that you please follow through. I will Fedex copies of the Idexis application to you. Your job, if you accept it, will be to "ccordinate all the admins" with CIRA up to the point where CIRA approves the Idexis application. I will then form a busines sparnershiup with another company. You can be the grey eminence who fatherly (if you prefer) sees to it that all the administrative and tecnhnical matters are taken care of so we can have the registy up and running by November 1. I will phne you this morning about this. I will respect your need for privacy. I certainly dfo want to meet with you. But I will do it on your terms. I will phone you in a while. Cheers and God bless! Rick Harris Tel: 905-729-4994