Hans Klein wrote:
> Report on ICANN Members Forum
> Marina del Rey, California
> November 12, 2000
> by Andrew Shen, EPIC and Internet Democracy Project
> http://www.ICANNmembers.org


> Karl Auerbach spoke briefly about his own background in technology and law.
> In particular, he noted his own experience as a businessman, causing him to
> be sympathetic to some of their concerns.


> He encouraged people not to worry
> about short-term issues such as domain names but focus on long-term issues
> such as address space.


? For the attendees, he suggested not looking too much
> at policy issues but concentrating on creating an institution.


This is not the Karl Auerbach that I knew.

Michael Sondow
   http://www.iciiu.org        (ICIIU)        [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
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