- good rules - maybe ICANN should review them.

TINC Rules & Guidelines 
                                           Social Rules 
                                           Technical Rules 
                                Social Rules

   1.No more than one top level domain allocated to an individual person
or organization. This is
      to prevent land grabs, and immediate flattening of the name space. 
   2.A maximum of 15 top level domains to be added to the current top
level domains. 
   3.A maximum of 2 top level domains added per year. 
   4.Exceptions to 1, 2, and 3 may be made for certain specific reasons,
subject to unanimous
      veto of the TINC steering committee: 
           Common infrastructure is important. Domain names created by the
           and their successors need to be uniformly visible from all
sites. TINC will track and
           include any domains created by these bodies. 
        b.Public good.
           Coherent collections of domains that require coordinated
management should be
           maintained by a single registrar. The steering committee will
implement the following
             1.Direct appeal to the members of TINC by majority of TINC
             2.Simply majority vote of Committee members. 
         c.Popular demand via major network service providers Any domain
requested by 10
           or more major ISPs or companies owning the equivalent of a
class B address space
           or greater shall be included in the TINC root. 
   5.No top level domain names may conflict with current top level
domains, even if those top
      level domains are not recognized by TINC. A "top level domain" is
one that has currently
      functional name service at a level at least meeting the technical
criteria for TINC-root
      domains set out below. 
   6.This is a non-profit effort. Charges for top level domains will be
minimal, if any. 
   7.Running of the additional top level domains is completely the concern
of the organization
      who created that top level domain. TINC is only concerned that the
name servers for that
      TLD are reachable and technically sound. 
                              Technical Rules

   1.For any top level domain, there must be at least two network-distant
name servers running
      at all times. Network distant is defined as at least the last 4 hops
differing in a traceroute to
      the servers from the TINC core at These servers must
also reside in
      separate physical facilities to prevent outages caused by power
failure, flood or similar
   2.The name servers running the top level domain must not be succeptible
to any known
      security problems, such as cache corruption/poisoning and be kept
current with regard to
      such problems, at least to the best-practice levels available from
the most current, freely
      distributable software. 
   3.The name servers running the top level domain must be reasonably
compliant with the
      current rfc's related to DNS. 

   1.It is recommended that servers for top level domains run a current
version of BIND, or a
      similar, current, name server. In practical terms, the technical
rules more or less require
      doing so. 
   2.TLD's should have at least three servers, at network and geographic
distance from each
      other. This will help prevent all your second level domains from
disappearing if your
      network link or name server dies. In any event, while the technical
rules require two
      network-distant servers in separate facilities, the third, separate
and geographically distant
      server is strongly recommended. 

Joe Baptista

                                        dot.GOD Hostmaster
                                        +1 (805) 753-8697

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