Examples are any nation on earth where the government owns the phone
company, India for example. I'm more of a free marketeer than a socialist,
to be sure, but by natural law, if the people rightfully own the government
that constructs the network of interconnected networks, like a city builds
roads that connect the private homes, this makes the Internet public.

Let me raise a related issue, mostly to gather information to educate myself.
Who can give details of development of Internet2, the next generation of the
Internet? Where is the money coming from? What about its governance?

Thanks for wisdom.
-- ken

>At 04:19 PM 3/1/02 -0700, you wrote:
>>And outside of the USA, Internet development mostly was funded by
>An interesting assertion. Can you back it up?
>First of all there really wasn't that much "Internet development"
>to speak of. In fact it didn't exists. Perhaps you're thinking
>of the ARPAnet.
>At any rate, the UUCP network, which remains larger than the
>TCP/IP ARPAnet, was larger then the arpanet and by the time
>they'r all merged into what we now refer to as "the internet"
>it was about 1996. UUCP was never government funded.
> Don't think that a small group of dedicated individuals can't
> change the world. It's the only thing that ever has.

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