At 11:06 PM 3/1/02 -0700, you wrote:
>Examples are any nation on earth where the government owns the phone
>company, India for example. I'm more of a free marketeer than a socialist,
>to be sure, but by natural law, if the people rightfully own the government
>that constructs the network of interconnected networks, like a city builds
>roads that connect the private homes, this makes the Internet public.

The way telco laws work the Internet was in danger of being declared
a public utility and therefore subject to ITU regulation and control.

Rutkowski made sure it was declared a value added service; besides
it dosen't all run over phone lines.

>Let me raise a related issue, mostly to gather information to educate myself.
>Who can give details of development of Internet2, the next generation of the
>Internet? Where is the money coming from? What about its governance?

Oh, there's a guy that knows all about it and can help educate you
quite a bit. Write to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and ask for Jim.

 Don't think that a small group of dedicated individuals can't
 change the world. It's the only thing that ever has. 

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