On Tue, 2011-06-21 at 08:15 -0400, Whit Hansell wrote:
> I received the same email but w. only one number listed.  Actually since 
> the email bounce date was June 7, I wonder what this is all about.

Nothing out of the ordinary, but will take a look further to see what
the logs reflect. Though main list log does not show anything abnormal.

> Actually, there has been so little activity on the board, I think I had 
> somehow been unsubscribed so subscribed again a few days ago and started 
> receiving emails again.

Well you very well might have, but last activity from your email address
was some time ago. Here is it all, time stamps are unix time stamps :)

When I migrated from the old list and added all previous subscribers
Dec 14th 2009
1260821510 +manual skippe...@comcast.net

You activity, removing comcast address adding clear.net one.
Mar 18th & 19th 2011
1300473594 - skippe...@comcast.net 
1300503395 + skippe...@clear.net William Hansell <skippe...@clear.net>

Removing clear.net email address
Mar 27th 2011
1301184523 - skippe...@clear.net

The you rejoined us recently
May 19th 2011
1305823000 + skippe...@comcast.net Whit Hansell <skippe...@comcast.net>

Manual stuff by me shows the word manual. Users stuff is reflected by
plus or minus sign. If the list removes you because of undeliverable
email, thats a probe, -probe.

>   I don't know what's happening.  Let us know 
> what the response is to your email.  I, so far, have not sent in a reply 
> to the email.

I will take a look in logs to see why Steve got a warning from the list
about undeliverable emails.

William L. Thomson Jr.
Systems Administrator
Jacksonville Linux Users Group

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