On Fri, Sep 23, 2011 at 8:40 AM, Nick Upson <n...@telensa.com> wrote:

> On 22 September 2011 16:41, Jesse Vollmar <vollm...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>  On Thu, Sep 22, 2011 at 11:00 AM, Nick Upson <n...@telensa.com> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I must be missing something, all I want is:
>>> all outgoing traffic to 192.168.x.y goes out WAN2 except 192.168.111.x &
>>> 192.168.112.x which goes out the IPSEC interface (which is attached to WAN1)
>>> tracert from my desktop actually show this correctly as WAN2 with my
>>> present setup but visit anywhere that shows the IP I'm coming from and its
>>> WAN1
>>> using 1.2.3
>> There needs to be a firewall rule that specifies the gateway you want to
>> send the traffic out.
> I've currently put one in place that specifies the source must be my PC
> address (to avoid affecting others). If I go to http://www.whatismyip.com/or 
> similiar it tells me the wrong IP, tracerte on my PC (win7) tells me it
> went out the correct IP, I'm confused
> --
> Nick Upson
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Sounds like it still isn't going out the correct gateway. Can you post the
IP of the computer you are testing from and the firewall rule that is
supposed to send packets out the correct gateway?
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