2012/5/13 bsd <b...@todoo.biz>

> Le 12 mai 2012 à 21:20, Michael Schuh a écrit :
> >
> > After more investigation, I would rather suggest using
> /boot/loader.conf.local and add the following :
> >
> > cpufreq_load="YES"
> >
> >
> > You also need to add :
> >
> >
> > kern.timecounter.hardware        i8254
> >
> > in  System: Advanced: System Tunables
> >
> >
> > and then start/activate PowerD + reboot
> >
> >
> > Then your device should be ready to limit it's power consumption and
> "save the planet" ;D
> >
> >
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> > then make a note that this may gets overwritten by updates of the
> pfSense Firmware. ;-)
> AFAIK using /boot/loader.conf.local instead of /boot/loader.conf avoids
> such problem.
> ;-)
lol- ok your point.
it is the preferred file for adjusting this, i agree.
i wrote "may gets" related also to major updates and i will take my other
points than:

AFAIK Backup of the Firewalls XML-File doesn't covers loader.conf.local.
Human brains tend to forget some. Specially some very small steps or
important little tweaks like that.

So Documentation of those settings at another place is helpful.

OTOH everyone can do it how he like, he has to live with the consequences.

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Projektmanagement - IT-Consulting - Professional Services IT
Michael Schuh
Postfach 10 21 52
66021 Saarbrücken
phone: 0681/8319664
mobil:  0175/5616453
@: m i c h a e l . s c h u h @ g m a i l . c o m

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