I'm not quite sure where to start with this one, but ever since we migrated from version 1.2.3 to 2.0.1, our traffic shaping seems to fail under many conditions where 1.2.3 'just worked'. The endgame is that it's fouling up our VoIP telephony.

Essentially, everything's exactly the same as it was with the exception of the pfSense version. We have the same hardware, the very same single WAN link and the very same shaping rules (bandwidth caps etc.). Furthermore, this "failure" has shown up in both of the locations where we upgraded.

In testing/observing: 2.0.1 appears to effectively 'clamp' traffic at the specified limits, but certain kinds of traffic will still cause packet loss audio artifacts where they would not before. For example, a simple 'speedtest' on one of the network hosts causes significant packet loss audio artifacts (and does so quite reliably).

It occurs to me that this could perhaps be a "bufferbloat" issue (www[.]bufferbloat[.]net), perhaps resulting from a change in the underlying BSD version. It seems unlikely, but the thought did occur to me. After all, voice packets older than a few hundred milliseconds SHOULD be discarded.

I've changed around numerous settings, including being more conservative with the bandwidth guarantees (reducing them), and reducing the "Connection up/download" speeds, and I've even changed the schedulers around. I can't seem to find the reliable setup that we enjoyed for many years with version 1.x.

Does anyone else experience this? Any hints on what could be going wrong, or where I should be looking for hints?

Much obliged,
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