> Given the relatively low CPU power to perform encryption these days and
> still maintain wire speed, it's just not worth taking the risk of *not*
> encrypting.
> "Wire-speed" on fiber-optic links is much higher than you relate here.
>  It's unlikely that any off-the-shelf pfSense box would handle same, even
> without encryption.

The context here is a wireless link though.  Chances are it wont even be
close to fiber speed.  And seeing as this is a pfsense list, most
applications being discussed will be as-stated like here (microwave) or
10/100/1000 copper, so within the scope of the vast majority of users it
was an appropriate statement

Full wire-speed encryption on fiber is a corner case and usually isn't
relevant when talking about a perimeter device.  Especially since this
sounds like a layer 2 discussion.  But you are correct that wirespeed
encryption on optical links won't happen with typical home user commodity
hardware.  You don't even get into the speed range where CPU becomes an
issue in a typical deployment till you have midrange or higher enterprise
grade switches though, so again it's kind of out of scope.

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