On Thu, Aug 8, 2013 at 3:44 PM, <lar...@angelichost.net> wrote:

> Side question:  are there iPhone/iPad/Android apps that will allow VPN
> access so I can get into the management interfaces while on the road?

Yes. The built-in "cisco" ipsec client on iOS works great with pfSense,
following these directions:


These are my own notes to augment the above page:

   - User that you specify in iPhone needs to be created on pfSense under
   System -> User Manager, and granted "User - VPN - IPsec xauth
   Dialin" permission
   - If you use Alix board disable glxsb under System -> Advanced ->
   - Firewall needs to allow incoming UDP connections from WAN on ports 500
   and 4500 (pfSense 2.0 does this implicitly)
   - Firewall needs to allow IPSec traffic; create allow all rule with
   logging while testing
   - for manual outbound NAT must create rule on WAN for the network
   specified above.

Once you've established the vpn, you can access the GUI, or even ssh into
the console using some terminal app.
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