On 2013-10-09 20:16, Gé Weijers wrote:
Some people in this discussion assume that the principals of ESF could not be forced to lie by the US government, under threat of lawsuits, financial ruin, incarceration and not seeing their children grow up.

Gee, quite a frightening regime. Someone should tell the USA to send some of their troops in there to remove this suppressing regime and free those poor devils over there by spreading some of their "democracy", as they do all over the planet.. Ops, I think I got something wrong here ;-)

I find this assumption awfully naive

Do you thinks so? Me, not, though it might seem so at first sight.

I think it's unlikely that ESF was even asked to cooperate,

Interesting thought, may I ask you why you think so?

but I don't believe a denial is all that useful under the circumstances

What do you mean? It would not be "useful" not to comply, but better to just compromise that what you do so that you are left in peace?

and asking for it again and again

Actually I only asked once

is obnoxious.

Since when can a naive question, as you called it, be obnoxious? And why do you think asking a security software project if it is secure is obnoxious? I think it is the most important question of all.

Thinker Rix
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