On 2013-10-10 01:13, Przemysław Pawełczyk wrote:
On Thu, 10 Oct 2013 00:05:22 +0300
Thinker Rix <thinke...@rocketmail.com> wrote:

Well, actually I started this thread with a pretty frank,
straight-forward and very simple question.
That's right and they were justified.

Thank you!

BTW, you pushed to the corner the (un)famous American hubris (Obama: US
is exceptional.), that's the nasty answers from some.

Yes, I guess I have hit a whole bunch of different nerves with my question, and I find it to be highly interesting to observe some of the awkward reactions, socioscientificly and psychologically.

I have been insulted, I have been bullied, I have been called to self-censor myself and at the end some users "virtually joined" to give the illusion of a majority an muzzle me, stating, that my question has no place at this pfSense mailing list. Really amazing, partly hilarious reactions, I think. These reactions say so much about how far the whole surveillance and mind-suppression has proceeded already and how much it has influenced the thoughts and behavior of formerly free people by now. Frightening.

Thinker Rix, you are not alone at your unease pressing you to ask
those questions about pfSense and NSA.

Thank you for showing your support openly!

Thinker Rix
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