Since we keep coming back to FreeBSD as it pertains to security:

 3) FreeBSD is very mature, and very well reviewed.  I've looked into
>> FreeBSD to my personal satisfaction.  OpenBSD may be abrasive as a
>> community at times, but their work product is pretty impressive in terms of
>> being clean and funcitonal.  I was very happy with how they handled that
>> whole IPSec fiasco in 2011.  I've been following pfSense for a while now,
>> and I've used it off and on for years.  I'm very satisfied by the quality
>> and oversight of the coding.   But by all means dig as long as your
>> curiosity holds out.  you can never be "100% sure" of the security of any
>> software, but "sufficiently sure" is absolutely worth looking into.
FreeBSD is not the distribution in the BSD
family<>that is
best known for
Indeed OpenBSD has a specific focus on security
has <>
studied <>, as has
the relationship between the
but FreeBSD focuses on being more inclusive of a variety of hardware at a
cost of not being 100% open source.
That is a tradeoff, but it does not mean that FreeBSD is not secure, it
just means ... well I have not found a study about that yet.

- Y
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