I've downloaded Pfsense Live 2.1 and installed it on an old machine with two nics. The pf machine can ping internally and externally with no issues. I was able to jump to shell and telnet out to a bbs I'm part of. Now on the LAN nothing works except the pf web management screen. I have looked at the logs and it shows all blocked packets for incoming on the WAN. I went a step further and create a rule to all all traffic on the WAN to no avail. My network is as follows:

Cable Modem -> Linksys AP -> PF.

Yes I know its a little backwards but it should still work as I also have another ap feeding off the Linksys for a different zone in our house with no issues.

Any idea why the PF lan does not work? Yes I did disable the option to disable private addresses since pf is behind another router with a private ip.
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