Is the VIP CARP or IP Alias?

... according to the VIP capabilities chart, they're the only VIP kinds that 
can do ICMP:

Since we don't allow ping-response, I thought I'd test this theory.  All 3 of 
the following worked (LAN routing to internal system was previously setup):

- I first created a Port Forward rule to allow pfSense to respond to WAN pings:
WAN  ICMP  *  *  WAN address  *  *  WAN pings to pfSense

- Then I created a Port Forward rule to allow pfSense to respond to pings on 
one of the static VIP IPs:
WAN  ICMP  *  *  x.12  *  *  static VIP pings to pfSense

- Then I created a Port Forward rule to allow an internal system (which has a 
system-level firewall that's configured to respond to pings) to respond to the 
WAN  ICMP  *  *  x.13  *  x.206  *  static VIP pings to internal system

If that's not it, then someone else needs to chime in as you've exhausted my 
knowledge in this area.

On 2014-Mar-03, at 7:59 AM, Ryan Coleman <> wrote:

> I’ve done this, but I won't route traffic out (NAT) until I have verifiable 
> traffic coming in.
> The x.2 IP simply will not ICMP ping from outside the network (and, yes, I 
> have it allowed).

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