
I recently purchased and installed a *DCMA-82 IT miniPCI
Chipset) wireless card for my Alix 2D3.

I was running an older 1.2 era version of PFsense, but decided that I may
as well upgrade to the latest 2.1 build.

Doing so prompted me to upgrade the BIOS of the Alix from .99 to .99h.

All of that worked smoothly and I can boot and run pfSense.

The system sees the wireless card and can see wireless networks. I'm trying
to setup my a wireless connection as the WAN, so in interfaces I've
selected the wireless card (ath0) as the WAN.

In configuring the WAN interface, I set the card to infrastructure mode
(BSS) and fill in the network I'm trying to join's name

There is no encryption running on the wireless network, so I haven't
changed any of that.

For whatever reason the WAN network will never come up.

If I go to status > interfaces, I see that the status says "no carrier"

I setup an open network off of my cell phone and submitted the SSID of my
phone's network and I get the same "status : no carrier" result.

What am I doing wrong?

As always, all help is very much appreciated,
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