Hi Volker,

Thank you for your time!

On 2014-04-13 14:09, Volker Kuhlmann wrote:
On Sun 13 Apr 2014 22:11:41 NZST +1200, Thinker Rix wrote:

I own a hard copy of the pfSense book by Chris and Jim and have two
questions about it:

1. As a buyer of the hard copy, am I eligible to receive a gratis
PDF-version of the book, too?
Probably not. I remember the authors saying that they didn't have the
rights for the electronic version. Moot point, because...

I see.

2. Is there any ETA for the hard copy version of the new edition?
You are aware that it's available as an electronic version under the
gold program?

Yes, but I generally prefer to buy a printed and bonded hard copy as "primary reading book" which I read from "front to back". I generally dislike ebooks for various reasons (such as: desktop screen reading sucks; handheld devices such as tablets, ebook-readers, smartphones are non-liberated; most ebooks are "DRM - digital restrictions managed", etc.). The reason that I was asking for a PDF version above was that I am currently somewhere else than my hard copy and just wanted to quickly look up something again that I had already read in my hard copy.

Thank you & regards
Thinker Rix

*Thinker Rix*, an internet user.
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