Le 8 mai 2014 à 12:37, Mark Tinka <mark.ti...@seacom.mu> a écrit :

> On Thursday, May 08, 2014 12:25:54 PM Olivier Mascia wrote:
>> Are there other documentation on ICMPv6 filtering,
>> without dropping essential functionality, in the
>> specific context of pfSense 2.1.x?
> My personal opinion, we already killed IPv4 by filtering 
> ICMP (and thereby, killing pMTU). Let's not repeat that in 
> IPv6.
> That said, ICMPv6 is different from ICMPv4, as it ensures 
> link reachability among hosts (ARP is gone, as you know).
> It would be nice for pfSense, perhaps, to provide rate 
> limits that would help ensure ICMPv6 isn't abused, but does 
> not cut off service. 
> That said, if you do want to filter ICMPv6, be sure to (at 
> least) allow the following ICMPv6 messages:
>       echo-reply 
>       echo-request 
>       membership-query 
>       membership-report 
>       membership-termination 
>       neighbor-advertisement 
>       neighbor-solicit 
>       router-advertisement 
>       router-solicit 
>       time-exceeded
> Mark.

Thanks for this advice.
On the WAN interface, I’m currently allowing full ICMPv6 in, albeit only from 
Global Unicast and Multicast addresses.
That is: only from 2000::/3 and ff00::/8.

The intention was to limit at least requests from WAN side using spoofed local 

I’m pretty confident that I do not break (too) many things this way (am I 
I’m also logging these packets with some alerts from my syslog server if their 
rate suddenly raise.

Rate limits, at least on replies, *should* be inherent to the implementation of 
ICMPv6 as far as I have read (don’t remember where though). Is this enforced in 
pfSense, I don’t currently know.

Olivier Mascia

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