Am 02.06.2014 10:33, schrieb Ulrik Lunddahl:
> Are you running pfSense as a VM?
> In that case you will not be able to, as HOST hardware instrumentations is 
> not propagated to VM's.
Yup, the OP he won't be able to if this is the case, for physical
installation pfSense there is something we the OP should be able to do.

I haven't read through the results of last-month's thread on this
machine, anyhow for physical installation of pfSense...

>> What's the trick to get the thermal sensors to work on pfSense? I'm using a 
>> power edge 2850 and they clearly show up in VMWare 4.1
Magical google search words: "pfSense sensors" ;-)


In short: You should be able to get the CPU thermal sensor shown in the
UI, for this enable loading the coretemp (Intel CPUs) module in Systems
-> Advanced -> Miscellaneous.

However when it comes to ACPI or IPMI sensors, well then it's more about
luck if you can get them working / if FreeBSD understands your hardware.
(As the docs page states). You might want to more specifically search on
FreeBSD list/forum archives.

(AFAIK) FreeBSD still doesn't have an equivalent to Linux lm-sensors or
OpenBSD's sensorsd(8)

-- Mathieu

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