This should work wothout any special magic. Can a pc on a vlan segment ping the 
gateway and reach internet?
Also did you configure the ip on the vlan interface or the physical? What does 
a traceroute show if you trace to an unreachable part. Does arp register hosts 
on the vlan interface?


Thanks Espen for the pointers. Here are some answers.
- The IP is configured on the VLAN interface. The physical is not used (em2), 
maybe that is the problem... I will test that.
- traceroute from a host on one subnet looks like this:
   administrator@zentyal:~$ traceroute
   traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 60 byte packets
   1 (  0.332 ms  0.309 ms  0.264 ms
   2  * * *
   3  * * *
- arp registers hosts fine on the VLAN interface

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