Just a hunch. Did you by any chance drop udp port 137/138 traffic between
client and dhcp server? As in, is this traffic allowed? Try tcpdump and
check for requests from a problem machine. You might block something win7
has decided it "needs". MS tends to have strange/unexpected needs ;)


Hi Everyone,

This is the first time i write a message here and maybe this is not the
place, if i should write this in a forum please let me know…

I am an very happy user of pfsense but right now i have a little problem, i
explain you :

I’m using the last stable version.

I have dhcp server enabled and some static leases for some of my hosts.
Until here nothing special :)

There is different domains in this network so i have to set different DNS
servers and domain search suffix.
My hosts are heterogenes, there is win7, win8, mac, smartphones, tablets…
when i create a lease reservation in the dhcp settings and the machine
connects it obtains the right parameters, so everything is ok, but in fact
it’s NOT :(

What happens (only for the win7 hosts, other are perfects, bad win7 nasty
nasty) after a few second, and especially when you launch i.e. win7 seem to
make some kind of new dhcp request although it already has it’s ip address
and then it looses all it’s specifics parameters, DNS servers, DNS search
suffix… it only keep its ip and gw address…

After a lot of search i found it has to deal with some kind of proxy search
that initiate a new incomplete request and when you add in your dhcp
options « 252  \n »  witch basically say to windows : stop asking, there is
no proxy period ! win7 keep it’s good parameter but sometimes it looses it
again (i couldn’t identify precisely when…)

The 252 option is a workaround but the solution would be dhcpd gives the
whole parameters every time it is requested to, no ?

Is it a bug ? am i doing something wrong ? please i really need help on this

Best regards,

PS Sorry for my english i hope you’ll understand me

Jean-Laurent Ivars
Responsable Technique | Technical Manager
22, rue Robert - 13007 Marseille
Mobile: - Tel: 09 84 56 64 30 - Fax: 09 89 56 64 30
Linkedin <http://fr.linkedin.com/in/jlivars/>  |  Viadeo
<http://www.viadeo.com/fr/profile/jean-laurent.ivars>  |  www.ipgenius.fr

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